Saturday, November 15, 2008

Our Research Interests

Para-science is very broad term. In general, we are interested in studying any phenomena that are outside of mainstream science:

  1. Paranormal Phenomena (Attributed to "Spirits", "Angels", or "Demons").
  2. Extraterrestrial Phenomena (Attributed to extraterrestrial entities, or "Aliens").
  3. Cryptozoology (Organisms unclassified by modern zoology).
  4. Parapsychology (Extrasensory Perception, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Astral Projection, etc).
  5. Magick (Defined by Aleister Crowley as "The Science and Art of causing change to occur in conformity with Will").

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Our Mission Statement

Did you know, that many of the brilliant scientific minds that brought us radio and television, such as Marconi, Edison, Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir William Crookes, and John Logie Baird, were all convinced of the reality of spirit communication and were using their professional skills to demonstrate it?

For example, at the time of his death, Marconi, one of the first to develop wireless radio, was reportedly working on a system to communicate electronically with the dead.

Since the beginning of human history, mankind has struggled to understand the mysteries of the universe. Certain phenomena can be explained by the natural laws of science, while others fall outside our realm of understanding, or "Para-Science".

Faith, emotions, and the human mind are very real phenomena, but they are described by very ethereal concepts. What about psychic abilities? The afterlife? Perhaps mankind hasn't discovered the concrete laws that describe these para-science phenomena just yet. One hundred years ago, who would have believed that wireless communication between men accross the "ether" was possible, until great scientific minds brought it forth?

The mission of the Para-Science Research Organization is to investigate these phenomena that fall outside the realm of CURRENTLY accepted science, in the hopes of advancing mankind's knowledge of the fundamental laws of the universe. We are a group of professional scientists who are determined to reveal these truths to the world, using the "O.A.R." method: Observe. Analyze. Report.

Our specific goals are threefold:

  1. To test specific hypotheses surrounding phenomena traditionally considered to be para-science, through controlled, reproducible experiments.
  2. To publish neutral data for the interpretation of others.
  3. To bring scientific credibility to the field of para-science research.
In the spirit of all true scientists, we forge ahead, undaunted by those with biased minds!